Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Propoganda and the Iraq War

Prompt: It is acceptable for a government to try and shape public opinion through information campaigns.

The Iraq War was a highly controversial topic within media, where some media outlets were accused of being biased or even a form of propaganda. Different media outlets were reflective of their respective ideologies, based on their own ideas and the interests of their viewers. However during the Iraq war, American media outlets broadcasted information presented by the U.S. military, which was accused of being biased and one sided. Which brings us to the idea of government influence of media portrayal of certain events in order to gain or reinforce support. This is a common occurrence as government attempt to persuade public opinion during events such as war. However this is something that should not be deemed acceptable. Information campaigns usually attempt to communicated information by misrepresenting the other side and omitting information to mislead public. This can include the exclusion of important information that may reveal the nature of the event and cause discontent. In turn, this paints an unfair image of the opposing side, which should not be done by a government as they have strong influence on people. This unbalanced view of events may cause unjust perceptions of certain groups, and to create issues towards them. Governments should portray both sides equally in order to maintain credibility, giving the people a full image. Specifically for the Iraq War, the American government, through their influence on the media, gave the American people a negative portrayal of the Iraqi population. This was done in order to convince the public to accept the war on Iraq, and to enhance the American image. However this created a negative image that was closely associated with American perception of Iraq, and was damaging to their population. Therefore it should not be acceptable for government to shape public opinions, but rather to present both sides and encourage support. 

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Media Bias Article Rewrite


This article is a rewritten version of the FOX News Article titled Palestinians stab Israelis in 2 Jerusalem attacks. The FOX article is one that clearly favors the Israeli side, often portraying Palestinians in an inhumane manner and favoring Israeli sources. There is omission of events that may portray Israelis negatively, and those which are mentioned often lack detail. The rewritten article will place more focus on the Palestinian side, using Palestinian sources and accounts. It will be placing the Israeli side in a negative light, to present a more positive image of the Palestinian side. 


JERUSALEM - Israeli police has shot a Palestinian in Jerusalem following a stabbing attack on settlers while in Gaza, 2 Palestinian children, aged 13 and 15, where shot dead. This came during a time of increased violence by settlers protected by Israeli police in Jerusalem and other cities.

These stabbing attacks have spread widely after settlers have attack the holy site of Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, under the protection of the police. As a result, attacks have spread between Palestinians and Jewish settlers.

Further, a 16-year-old boy was shot dead in Jerusalem after he attempted to stab two settlers, who were left with light wounds. Elsewhere in Jerusalem, the IDF have stormed a hospital while an Israeli settler has run over Palestinian workers.

In Gaza, Israeli drones and jets are intensively circulating, causing police stations to be evacuated in fear of an attack. Military boats placed attacks on Gaza, and later, loud explosions were heard. There were two rockets launched from Gaza today, which hit rural areas and caused no causalities. More clashes within Gaza, wounding dozens of Palestinians, some of which are minors. 

Many arrests and attacks have taken place within Gaza since the 2014 Israeli attacks on the strip, which killed over 2000 Palestinians. Rockets have been launched out of Gaza as an act of support for the uprising within Palestine, which came after settler attacks on Al-Aqsa mosque.

Over the day 586 Palestinians were wounded in the West Bank amid clashes with the Israeli police. More protests occurred at the funeral of a 25 year old Palestinian, where Israeli police opened fire on the protesters. In Hebron, thousands took to the streets for the funerals of Palestinian martyrs who had carried out recent attacks.

Since the start of this month, police and the IDF have killed 23 Palestinians, while over 500 have been wounded. Many of these are minors, such as those attacked in a school in the West Bank city of Ramallah by the IDF.

Attacks on behalf of Palestinians are in response to the increased Israeli aggression, and are a form of resistance. As Jewish settlers have attacked holy sites and innocent people in those areas, Palestinian youth has been responding with a series of attacks.