Thursday, 24 March 2016

Paper 2 Thesis Statements

12. Explain, with reference to works you have studied, why writers are frequently drawn to tell stories about characters who are rebellious towards or in some way alienated from society.
In The Thief and the Dogs and Things Fall Apart, accurate discussion of setting, stylistic features and, direct and indirect characterization are used to create main characters that are not typical of their community in an attempt to exemplify the flaws of society, bringing them close to the reader in an attempt to critique society. 

13. ‘We admire defiance and disobedience – especially in the face of the inevitable.’
In light of this view, consider ways in which writers explore defiance and disobedience.
Defiance is a key characteristic of the protagonists in The Thief and the Dogs and Things Fall Apart, something that is established through secondary characters, stylistic devices and the development of setting, thereby allowing Achebe and Mahfouz to highlight this trait in society and discuss how it leads to their society. 

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Sheikh Al Junaydi

In the novel, The Thief and the Dogs, Mahfouz uses characters surrounding the protagonist, Said Mahran, in order to further develop his character. Sheikh al Junaydi is among these characters that reflect and expand on elements of Said’s personality. He has always had an influence on Said’s life, as he attended his sessions with his father in his childhood. This influence is carried with Said and shapes him, causing Rauf to complain that the Sheikh’s sessions were a waste of time. However, the Sheikh is generally a good character within the novel, providing Said with a shelter and point of reference in times of hardship. Further, the Sheikh always aimed to help Said become a better person and to change his ways. Said clearly trusts the Sheikh and values his opinions heavily, as he sees him as a source of education. He represents a light in Said’s life during his times of hardship and Said often remembers him when he is passing through difficult. His ideas have ultimately become an integral part of Said’s character, and it is almost as though Said seeks the Sheikh’s approval in everything he does. 

The Sheikh is a character that often provides Said with chances to become a better person, and is ready to give him help and support. This ties into the theme of fate and free will as it emphasises Said’s responsibility in his downfall. It is difficult to pinpoint whether Said’s collapse is a result of fate or his free will. However, the presence of a mentor such as the Sheikh and his constant support for Said allows us to understand the extent of Said’s freewill. Despite this support, Said’s pride is too overpowering and cannot defeat his thirst for revenge. As a result, the role of Said’s free will is emphasised when identifying the source of his downfall. However, the Sheikh plays a deeper role than that, as he brings out a different side to Said. His often brutal honestly causes Said to consider his actions and evaluate the impact of his actions. This helps in the characterization of Said and brings out another side of him that is not often seen. 

Additionally, the Sheikh is a character that represents elements of Said's character, namely his self-reflection and want for education. Being a Sufi Sheikh, he delves into the spiritual side of religion and encourages self-discovery. However, he also aims to direct Said towards what is right, causing Said to often question his morals and actions when he remembers the Sheikh and his words. This can be connected to the character of Sanaa, who is another person which brings out this side of Said. 

Monday, 25 January 2016

The Thief and the Dogs - Passage Analysis

What a lot of graves there are, laid out as far as the eye can see. Their headstones are like hands raised in surrender, though they are beyond being threatened by anything. A city of silence and truth, where success and failure, murderer and victim come together, where thieves and policemen lie side by side in peace for the first and last time.
Nur's snoring seemed likely to end only when she awoke in late afternoon.
You'll stay in this prison until the police forget you. And will they ever really forget? The graves remind you that death cheats the living. They speak of betrayal; and thus they make you remember Nabawiyya, Ilish and Rauf, telling you that you yourself are dead, ever since that unseeing bullet was fired.
But you still have bullets of fire.
At the sound of Nur's yawning, loud, like a groan, he turned away from the window shutters towards the bed. Nur was sitting up, naked, her hair dishevelled, looking unrested and run down. But she smiled as she said, "I dreamed you were far away and I was going out of my mind waiting for you."
"That was a dream," he observed grimly. "In fact you're the one who's going out and I'm the one who'll wait."
She went into the bathroom, emerged again drying her hair; and he followed her hands as they recreated her face in a new form, happy and young. She was, like himself, thirty years old, but she lied outright hoping to appear younger, adding to the multitude of sins and sillinesses which are openly committed. But theft unfortunately was not one of them.
"Don't forget the papers," he reminded her at the door.
When she'd gone he moved into the reception room and flung himself down on one of the sofas. Now he was alone in the full sense of the word, without even his books which he'd left with Sheikh Ali. He stared up at the cracked white ceiling, a dull echo of the threadbare carpet, killing time. The setting sun flashed through the open window, like a jewel being carried by a flight of doves from one point in time to the next.
Your coldness, Sana, was very disquieting. Like seeing these graves. I don't know if we'll meet again, where or when. You'll certainly never love me now. Not in this life, so full of badly-aimed bullets, desires gone astray. What's left behind is a dangling chain of regrets. The first link was the students' hostel on the road to Giza. Ilish didn't matter much, but Nabawiyya--she'd shaken him, torn him up by the roots. If only a deceit could be as plainly read in the face as fever or an infectious disease! Then beauty would never be false and many a man would be spared the ravages of deception.

This passage is one that explores Said's internal conflicts from many perspectives and including several themes. The main concept that is explored is Said's understanding of justice and moral actions. After being cut off from the world for so long in prison, Said's understanding of the world demonstrates some gaps. This is demonstrated when he thinks about the bullet, first describing it as the reason for his death and then returning to the fact that he still has bullets. Despite that he is still contemplating his actions, he cannot get rid of his want for revenge. 

In his interaction with Nur, Said's character begins to develop some affection for her. Though he is generally described as a harsh character, and this in enforced by his actions, his relationship with Nur shows a softer side to him. His movement away from the window that exposed the graves to her as she wakes up demonstrates the break that he takes from his want for revenge as he feels grateful for her company. Nur's dream is simply a reinforcement of her love and acceptance for him, which he initially does not cherish however in this instance it is demonstrated as a part of his daily life.

Said's mention of Nabawiyya demonstrates a confession of her importance to Said in his life. Throughout the novel, she is described as a character he hates following her marriage of his friend after his arrest. However, this point in the novel truly reveals the impact of Nabawiyya on his life and how this effect was long lasting for Said. This is done in the form of direct internal monologue, and does not follow an event directly involving Nabawiyya. Rather, the last person he has interacted with is Nur and this draws a contrast between these two characters. Nabawiyya is described as a character which "shook him up", hence making a large impact on him as a person. 

In regards to Sana, he feels regret towards the actions he has made as realizes the impact of them on his daughter. He had not previously considered the implications of his actions but rather quickly sought to get revenge on Ilish, among others. However in this passage, he begins to show sadness and remorse for his actions, as they would mean his daughter would never love him. This is also developed in his mention of Nur, and how theft could not be a part of openly committed sins. This generally shows a more complex and honest side of Said. 

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Why does Mahfouz employ stream of consciousness narration in the novel and to what effect?

A stream of consciousness narration is a technique that allows the author to present the thoughts and emotions of a character in a life-like way. It does not take on a logical sequence, but rather is arranged in a natural way, reflective of the characters inner thought process. This encompasses a range of techniques that are constantly interchanged, including third person narration, as well as direct and indirect internal monologues. In The Thief and the Dogs, Mahfouz makes use of this technique very effectively, as he seamlessly switches between narration styles to reflect the main character’s journey. In some instances, Mahfouz makes use of four narration styles within one page. Although this runs the risk of creating an organized telling of events, Mahfouz is able to avoid this by using each technique is an organized manner, and in appropriate amounts.

By employing this form of narration, Mahfouz invites the reader to delve deeper in Said’s inner conflict. Within the short meeting with his daughter, Said’s emotions take a sharp turn from affection and relief to revenge and anger. This is reflective of his greater inner conflict, which plays out through the novel. The use of flashbacks to detail Said’s nostalgia enforces this conflict as he demonstrates anger towards a severe change that he does not understand. With any character that is introduced, Mahfouz attaches past events to the current situation in order to further develop Said’s conflict. By using flashbacks and direct internal monologues rather than a third person view, Mahfouz presents Said’s deepest emotions in a raw manner to allow the reader to understand his position. It creates a scattered, perhaps even unorganized, flow of emotions, which is reflective of how confused Said maybe be. Using a more organized style of narration would perhaps not do Said’s deep inner conflict justice, and may take away from its complexity.

Throughout the novel, there are a series of sharp shifts in Said’s character. The first comes after his rejection by his daughter, which evokes feelings of humiliation and somewhat anger. This is followed by his encounter with Rauf, which causes Said’s character to shift towards revenge and retaliation. This is documented through internal monologues that often shift to third person narration. By doing this, Mahfouz documents the events in an intertwining manner with Said’s personal thoughts. Further, it makes the story a deeper, more personal one as it does not impose the narrator’s opinions but rather expresses them through the thoughts of the main character.

On a larger scale, the stream of consciousness effectively deconstructs the rigid structure of a novel. This does not negatively impact the story but rather adds to it by giving it a realistic and raw feel. It allows the story to take on a circular plot and explores it from all aspects. The lines between the past and the present are blurred, and Mahfouz uses this to effectively link events. Said’s choices are heavily influenced by emotions from the past, as this is the only thing he possesses after being cut off from the world for years in jail. As a result, the internal monologue detailing past events expresses the development of Said’s thoughts over time. By doing this, Mahfouz can express his ideas more strongly and allow the reader to greatly understand the message.

In theory, Mahfouz’s rapid switches between narrations should create a stream of events that are hard to follow. However by addressing specific events and switching between the past and the present, he is able to soften these sharp changes and use them to his advantage. It gives the reader a deeper understanding of the novel and allows them to enter Said’s private thoughts. As a result, the stream of consciousness narration in The Thief and the Dogs is one that explores all aspects of Said’s world rather than confuses the reader. It allows Mahfouz to present a raw and organic telling of events and to express his personal opinion and struggle in a more authentic manner.   

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Value of Literature in Translation

The study of literature is of value to all people, even those who are not specifically studying language and literature. It exposes us to areas of life that we are not familiar with and widens our horizons. This is further enhanced when studying texts that have been translated from other languages that we are not familiar with. Translation does not only transport a story, but rather the context in which that story was written in. With a simple story, a whole culture and piece of history can be brought across the reader. Although the reader is not familiar with the environment that the story is set in, literature bridges this gap and informs them of this environment. However what makes this study more enriching is the translator's interpretation of the story. This creates a link between the two cultures and presents a new perspective on the story. The translator's experience of both cultures enhances the reader's view and creates a unique mix. However at the same time, translated literature is at risk of losing its meaning. There are many aspects of language cannot be directly translated into another language, as it may not exist as an idea within that culture. However it is important to focus on understanding the background of the author and the setting of the story. Doing this will allow us to understand the struggles and differences of the culture. As a result, literature can be seen as vehicle for communicating struggles of ones culture and expanding on them in a different light. This challenges the typical stereotype of such cultures and allows the author to reclaim their own culture and portray in a more accurate light. Therefore, not only does translated literature display aspects of culture, but it also sheds light on the struggles of a society and attempts to deconstruct negative stereotypes. Which is why the study of literature in translation has become so widespread, and is even a required in the IB. 

Monday, 11 January 2016

Paper 2 question

Writers may use literature as a vehicle for social criticism. Compare and contrast the ways in which writers criticize society in at least two texts that you have studied.

Thesis statement: By incorporating conflicts and rifts between characters in ‘Things Fall Apart’, as well as neutral narration, Achebe is able to place the clan at fault for the downfall of Igboland to colonial rule and thus achieve a sense of authenticity.

Idea 1: Through his use of unbiased narration, Achebe is able to professionally thread the novel together in order to allow the audience to form their own interpretation of the events and effectively understand the flaws of each society included in the novel.

  • Does not depict Umofia as a utopia, instead shows it in a raw manner, even including its flaws
  • Pays attention to interaction between the clan and the white missionaries
  • Description of the missionaries does not introduce Achebe's own opinions, and by allowing his characters to place some blame on themselves provides balance

Idea 2: The honest discussion of factors of Igbo culture that lead to often harsh alientation of various groups within society allows Achebe to fairly critize society and portray events with accuracy.
  • Makes reference to the treatement of the outcasts and how this drove them to follow the missionaries rather than their own clan
  • Some characters questions parts of culture such as throwing twins away into the evil forest and the bannishing of clansmen who commited sins

Idea 3: The tumultious relationship that is portrayed between Okonkwo and Nwoye reflects the greater rift within society and displays an authentic view of the Igbo community that allows for colonial power to prevail.
  • It was ultimetly the conflict and lack of acceptance from Okonkwo towards Nwoye that drove him to follow the Christians
  • Further supported by Okonkwo's opinion of his father, which is reflective of the importance of social class and power