Sunday, 17 January 2016

Value of Literature in Translation

The study of literature is of value to all people, even those who are not specifically studying language and literature. It exposes us to areas of life that we are not familiar with and widens our horizons. This is further enhanced when studying texts that have been translated from other languages that we are not familiar with. Translation does not only transport a story, but rather the context in which that story was written in. With a simple story, a whole culture and piece of history can be brought across the reader. Although the reader is not familiar with the environment that the story is set in, literature bridges this gap and informs them of this environment. However what makes this study more enriching is the translator's interpretation of the story. This creates a link between the two cultures and presents a new perspective on the story. The translator's experience of both cultures enhances the reader's view and creates a unique mix. However at the same time, translated literature is at risk of losing its meaning. There are many aspects of language cannot be directly translated into another language, as it may not exist as an idea within that culture. However it is important to focus on understanding the background of the author and the setting of the story. Doing this will allow us to understand the struggles and differences of the culture. As a result, literature can be seen as vehicle for communicating struggles of ones culture and expanding on them in a different light. This challenges the typical stereotype of such cultures and allows the author to reclaim their own culture and portray in a more accurate light. Therefore, not only does translated literature display aspects of culture, but it also sheds light on the struggles of a society and attempts to deconstruct negative stereotypes. Which is why the study of literature in translation has become so widespread, and is even a required in the IB. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post Farah! I like how you mentioned the translator's role in bridging the gap between cultures. It it's also very interesting how a translator's experience with both cultures enhances the reader's view and understanding as well!
