Monday, 11 January 2016

Paper 2 question

Writers may use literature as a vehicle for social criticism. Compare and contrast the ways in which writers criticize society in at least two texts that you have studied.

Thesis statement: By incorporating conflicts and rifts between characters in ‘Things Fall Apart’, as well as neutral narration, Achebe is able to place the clan at fault for the downfall of Igboland to colonial rule and thus achieve a sense of authenticity.

Idea 1: Through his use of unbiased narration, Achebe is able to professionally thread the novel together in order to allow the audience to form their own interpretation of the events and effectively understand the flaws of each society included in the novel.

  • Does not depict Umofia as a utopia, instead shows it in a raw manner, even including its flaws
  • Pays attention to interaction between the clan and the white missionaries
  • Description of the missionaries does not introduce Achebe's own opinions, and by allowing his characters to place some blame on themselves provides balance

Idea 2: The honest discussion of factors of Igbo culture that lead to often harsh alientation of various groups within society allows Achebe to fairly critize society and portray events with accuracy.
  • Makes reference to the treatement of the outcasts and how this drove them to follow the missionaries rather than their own clan
  • Some characters questions parts of culture such as throwing twins away into the evil forest and the bannishing of clansmen who commited sins

Idea 3: The tumultious relationship that is portrayed between Okonkwo and Nwoye reflects the greater rift within society and displays an authentic view of the Igbo community that allows for colonial power to prevail.
  • It was ultimetly the conflict and lack of acceptance from Okonkwo towards Nwoye that drove him to follow the Christians
  • Further supported by Okonkwo's opinion of his father, which is reflective of the importance of social class and power


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