Thursday 24 March 2016

Paper 2 Thesis Statements

12. Explain, with reference to works you have studied, why writers are frequently drawn to tell stories about characters who are rebellious towards or in some way alienated from society.
In The Thief and the Dogs and Things Fall Apart, accurate discussion of setting, stylistic features and, direct and indirect characterization are used to create main characters that are not typical of their community in an attempt to exemplify the flaws of society, bringing them close to the reader in an attempt to critique society. 

13. ‘We admire defiance and disobedience – especially in the face of the inevitable.’
In light of this view, consider ways in which writers explore defiance and disobedience.
Defiance is a key characteristic of the protagonists in The Thief and the Dogs and Things Fall Apart, something that is established through secondary characters, stylistic devices and the development of setting, thereby allowing Achebe and Mahfouz to highlight this trait in society and discuss how it leads to their society.